Michael Malone
Manager of the County & City Councils
I am pleased to be associated with the presentation of Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council Annual Report for the year 2005.
This year saw progress in various infrastructural projects throughout the County and across all services including roads, water, sewerage, housing, environment which are detailed in this report. Some of these projects are listed hereunder:-
87 newly appointed tenants to local authority houses with a further 37 units provided by voluntary housing associations.
76 houses improved under planned maintenance with a further 1,005 repair requests attended to.
Construction commenced on Kilkenny Ring Road Extension in June 2005.
Kilkenny Eastern Environs - Link Road - Johnswell Road to Hebron Road completed.
Kilkenny Inner Relief Road - Design commenced in 2005.
Traffic calming measures at Paulstown and Ballyragget completed. Further traffic calming schemes expected to be completed in 2006.
Various low cost safety measures for national and non national roads completed in 2005.
Consultants have been appointed to prepare a preliminary report for the Freshford, Johnstown and Goresbridge sewerage scheme bundle.
Consultants have been appointed to prepare a preliminary report on the Ballyragget, Clogh/Castlecomer and Urlingford/Johnstown WSS bundle.
Consultants have been appointed for the Bennettsbridge Water supply Scheme.
Ongoing engagement with the Serviced Land Initiative scheme.
In 2005 6 playgrounds were developed in Garringreen, Castlecomer, Thomastown, Callan, Mooncoin and Mullinavat.
Urban/Village Renewal projects were completed in Mullinavat, Kilmoganny, Johnswell and Kilkenny City and Environs.
Work has been completed on a new dog shelter at Garryduff, Paulstown.
Funding raised from the Development Contribution Scheme assisted Roads, Recreation and Water Services projects throughout the County.
A core objective in Kilkenny Local Authorities Corporate Plan for 2004/2009 is to plan for and manage in a sustainable manner the development and use of the relevant resources in the interests of long term economic, social and cultural progress for the benefit of all. Amongst the strategies to support this objective is to provide for the strategic planning for Kilkenny County, Kilkenny City & Environs and Waterford City Environs located in County Kilkenny in Partnership with other key stakeholders.
Kilkenny Local Authorities actively implemented these strategies in 2005 through the adoption of Local Area Plans for Freshford, Kells, Goresbridge and the Environs of New Ross. A new Retail Strategy for County Kilkenny was also adopted.
With regard to Kilkenny City and Environs, 2005 saw the adoption of the Kilkenny City Local Area Plan. The Kilkenny City Western Environs infrastructural design was commenced in 2005 and should be completed in 2006. The Kilkenny City Loughmacask Local Area Plan was also initiated during this year.
Kilkenny County Council continues to pursue the zoning objectives contained in the County Development Plan through pro active planning policies in the Waterford City Environs area located in County Kilkenny. Indeed, over 2,000 houses have been granted planning permission in that area since 2003. The Council will continue to advance the Belview Area as a major location for Strategic Industry in the South East Region and in this regard we welcome the continued co-operation that exists with the Waterford Port Company.
The continued involvement of the Tourism sector working with the local authorities in the preparation of a long term strategy for Tourism in the County is welcomed. In 2005 a five year Tourism Strategy was prepared in Partnership with Kilkenny Tourism and other related interests.
During 2005 progress was made on the Heritage Agenda in several areas. Historic Graveyards received particular attention with development of an inventory, the provision of appropriate training and the introduction of a new grants scheme.
During the year the Arts Strategy was completed.
During the year a Recreational Capital Fund was developed and will be rolled out in 2006. The source for this fund is the Development Contribution Scheme.
Considerable progress is being made in the area of Customer Service.
Cross functional staff meetings are now taking place at area levels to co-ordinate service delivery within the areas.
A new Parks Department was created.
A working group has been established consisting of internal and external stakeholders in respect of implementation of the Barcelona Declaration and Sectoral Plan as provided for in the Disability Act 2005.
PMDS (Performance Management & Development Systems) introduced a pilot department for rolling out throughout the organisation in 2005.
A new planning customer service desk in County Hall which is accessible for people with disabilities has been developed in 2005.
Validation of planning applications can now take place at the public counter.
Lunchtime opening was introduced within pilot departments in 2005 for extension throughout the organisation in January 2006.
On line payment systems for parking/traffic fines, fire charges, housing loans have been introduced in 2005.
A Taking in Charge of Housing Estates Protocol has been agreed in partnership with the Construction Industry Federation.
Irish classes and Sign Language classes have been provided for staff and elected members to enhance customer care.
Improvement of disability access to County Hall.
Upgrade in network links to area offices and other offices throughout the County.
Fair Trade status awarded to Kilkenny City.
Close co-operation with other statutory and non statutory bodies through Kilkenny Local Authorities involvement on the County Development Board. This engagement is intensified by the support of the Community & Enterprise Section in reviewing the County Development Boards 10 year strategy.
The Community & Enterprise section has been actively involved in initiatives to support the voice of groups such as young people and ethnic groups.
Ongoing process of managing change through Partnership has been progressed in 2005.
I would like to express my appreciation of the dedication and commitment of the Management Team and Staff of the Council and the hard work of the Elected Members. In particular I wish to pay tribute to the contribution of the Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Maurice Shortall and his predecessor Cllr. Mary Hilda Cavanagh and the Mayor Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick and her predecessor Cllr. Martin Brett for their commitment and dedication to the development and promotion of the County. I also wish to express my thanks to the Chairperson's and members of each of the Strategic Policy Committees and each of the area committees for the excellent work done by these groups over the year.
I trust that the annual report will be widely read by the people of County Kilkenny and that it will give them a greater insight into the broader range of activities which are undertaken by our local authorities.
Mr Michael Malone
County Manager